三国大富豪 -初心者から上級者まで楽しめる本格レベル-

by SilverStarJapan



Easy to enjoy full-scale millionaires from beginners to advanced players! A free millionaire app that you can enjoy the Three Kingdoms!

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-------------------------------------------------------------戦いは始まったばかり。天下の覇権をかけて大富豪の力が試される。-------------------------------------------------------------【ゲーム概要】戦いは始まったばかり。天下の覇権をかけて大富豪の力が試される。魅力ある三国志の英雄たちの一人をプレイヤーは選択し、大富豪で天下統一をかけて戦います。大富豪のルールは革命、8切り、都落ち、スペ3、しばりなど多彩なルールを用意。攻め込む国ごとに異なったルール設定のため、プレイヤーは戦い方を考えなければ、国を取ることができません。また、キャラクター毎に設定された兵力、能力、性格によって、難易度が異なり、何度でも楽しむ事ができます。フリーモードもあり、プレイヤーの設定したルール、対戦相手で、とことん大富豪を楽しむ事もできます。大富豪と国獲り要素を併せ持った新感覚のテーブルゲームです。【天下統一モード】好みの英雄を選択して天下統一を目指すモードです。選んだ英雄の国を拠点として隣国へ攻め込み、その国を治める英雄と“大富豪”で対戦します。それぞれの英雄には“兵力”“攻撃力”“知恵”というパラメータがあり、上位になることで相手の兵力を削ります。また英雄ごとに対戦するルールが異なります。みごと相手の兵力を“0”にできれば相手の国を我が物にできます。次々と立ちはだかる強敵をなぎ払い天下統一を目指します。【フリーモード】“ルール”と“メンバー”を自由に選択できます。兵力のシステムがなく、思う存分“大富豪”を楽しむことができます。【戦績】“天下統一モード”“フリーモード”でのプレイヤーの戦績を閲覧できます。【ストーリー】四〇〇年続いた漢王朝も今や群雄が割拠する乱世へと変貌していた。自らが天下の覇者たらんと争いが治まらぬ時間が流れていた・・・【英雄紹介】<劉備玄徳>漢王朝皇室の末裔を自称し、混乱し群雄割拠する王朝の回復を願い立ち上がる。彼の意思に引かれ、義弟となった豪傑、関羽、張飛を従え、大義のために、各地の戦いに参戦する。その戦いの中で、彼の人となりに触れた天下の英傑達が彼の元に集まり始める。天才軍師諸葛亮孔明を得て、彼はいま蜀漢王朝建国への道を歩み始める。<曹操孟徳>若き頃、乱世の奸雄と評され、その類稀なる英明な才能と、冷徹とまで言わしめる合理的考え方で漢王朝の混乱を自らの支配によって治めようとする。中国大陸の半分を支配下に置くまでに勢力を拡大した彼にとって、邪魔な存在であった、劉備と呉の孫権。今矛先は、彼を赤壁へと向かわせていた・・・。<孫権仲謀>長沙の虎と恐れられた父・孫堅。呉の礎を築いた兄・孫策。志半ばで無念の死を遂げた父と兄の意思をつぎ、三国志史上最強の赤き水の軍団を作り上げた孫家三代目当主。若き指導者は周囲の重圧を受けながらも、無二の友周喩と共に、呉に迫り来る曹操の野望を打ち砕かんとしていた。<董卓仲頴>衰退する漢王朝を滅亡へと加速させた三国志史上最大の暴君。漢王朝の混乱に乗じて首都洛陽を自らの軍団によって占拠し、皇帝を戴く。皇帝の権威を傘に悪逆非道の限りをつくし、逆らうものは全て彼の傍らにいる、呂布という武人に亡き者にされる。諸国の英傑達は彼を討伐する為に立ち上がるが、ついに討伐する事は敵わず、董卓はさらに専横の限りを尽くす。だが董卓に待ち受けていたのは意外な結末であった・・・趙雲子龍、呂布奉先、周瑜公瑾、貂蝉、小喬など、総勢14名の英雄が集結!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-        熾烈なる争いに  大富豪で終止符を打つことができるのか!!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-■対応OS■Android OS 5.1以上■対応解像度■800×480、854×480、960×540、960×640、1280×720、1280×800、1920×1080、1920×1200、2560x1440(※対応解像度以外は動作しない可能性がありますので、予めご了承ください)-------------------------------------------------- -----------The battle has just begun. The power of the millionaire is tested for the supremacy of the world.-------------------------------------------------- -----------[Game overview]The battle has just begun. The power of the millionaire is tested for the supremacy of the world.Players choose one of the fascinating heroes of the Three Kingdoms and fight for unification in the world with millionaires.There are various rules for millionaires such as revolution, 8 cuts, city drop, special 3 and squeeze.Players cannot take a country without thinking about how to fight because the rules are set differently for each country they attack.In addition, the difficulty level varies depending on the strength, ability, and personality set for each character, and you can enjoy it as many times as you like.There is also a free mode, and you can fully enjoy the millionaire with the rules set by the player and the opponent.It is a new type of table game that has both a millionaire and a national catching element.[Unified world mode]In this mode, you can select your favorite hero and aim to unify the world.Based on the country of the selected hero, attack the neighboring country and play against the hero who governs that country as a "millionaire".Each hero has parameters such as "strength", "attack power", and "wisdom", and by becoming higher, the opponents troops are reduced.Also, the rules for playing against each hero are different.If you can make the opponents troops "0", you can own the opponents country.We aim to unify the world by eradicating the powerful enemies that stand in the way one after another.[Free mode]You can freely select "rules" and "members".There is no military system, and you can enjoy "Millionaire" to your hearts content.[Battle record]You can view the players battle record in "Unified World Mode" and "Free Mode".【story】The Han dynasty, which lasted for 400 years, has now been transformed into a turbulent world in which the group of men is assigned. There was a time when the conflict with the champion of the world did not go away ...[Introduction of heroes]Self-proclaimed descendant of the Han dynasty imperial family, he stands up hoping for the recovery of the dynasty, which is confused and divided into groups.Attracted by his will, he follows his brother-in-law, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, and participates in various battles for the cause.In the battle, the heroes of the world who came into contact with him begin to gather with him.With the genius Zhuge Liang Komei, he is now on his way to the founding of the Han Dynasty.When he was young, he was described as a hero of the turbulent world, and he tried to control the turmoil of the Han dynasty by his own rule with his extraordinary brilliant talent and rational thinking that could be said to be cold. Liu Bei and Wus Sun Quan were in the way for him, who expanded his power to take control of half of mainland China. Now the spearhead is directing him to the Red Cliffs ...A feared father, Sun Jian, as a tiger in Changsha. An older brother and Sun Ce who laid the foundation for Kure. The third generation head of the Son family, who created the strongest red water corps in the history of Sangokushi, following the intentions of his father and brother who died in the middle of his will. Despite the pressure of the surroundings, the young leader, along with his unique friendship metaphor, shattered Cao Caos ambitions approaching Wu.The biggest tyrant in the history of the Three Kingdoms, who accelerated the declining Han dynasty to destruction. Taking advantage of the turmoil of the Han dynasty, he occupies the capital Luoyang with his own corps and receives an emperor. With the emperors authority as an umbrella, he makes the limit of evil rebellion, and everything that opposes is killed by a warrior named Lu Bu who is beside him. The heroes of the nations stand up to subdue him, but at last they are not enemies to subdue him, and Dong Zhuo does his best.However, what was waiting for Dong Zhuo was a surprising ending ...A total of 14 heroes, including Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Zhou Yu, Diaochan, and Xiao Qiao, have gathered!- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -In a fierce battleCan a millionaire put an end to it? !!- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -■ Supported OS ■Android OS 5.1 or higher■ Supported resolutions ■800 x 480, 854 x 480, 960 x 540, 960 x 640, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 800, 1920 x 1080, 1920 x 1200, 2560 x 1440(* Please note that it may not work except for supported resolutions.)軽微な不具合を修正いたしました。